To begin to document our efforts and express gratitude to all those who have supported our efforts to inspire the building of the future and catalyze the next great World’s Fair we’ve compiled our first annual report. The following is a copy of our opening letter.
If you would like to view a copy of the 2022 Annual Report, please reach out:
on X @WorldsFairCo or
The future is looking incredibly bright. Despite the distracting pessimism we often encounter through legacy media, our world stands at the precipice of breakthroughs in AI, energy, biotech, climate, and transportation — each of which is poised to improve the lives of billions. As I sit here thinking about this future and writing this letter, I look out on the shimmering San Francisco Bay. Its two great bridges confront me with the sharp reminder that we’ve only yet touched the surface of our potential.
See, the Oakland Bay Bridge and Golden Gate Bridge were each built in under 5 years — back in the 1930’s. They stand today, 80 years later, as a testament to our ability to make big plans and execute them. I want us to live in this world once again. One where we dare to believe in the future and make strides to build it. A world where everyday conversations celebrate and awe at what we're achieving, not despair at how we're falling behind. One where we're flying supersonic, constructing massive monuments, exploring the galaxy, engineering our biosphere, building new cities, eliminating disease, and yes — hosting World's Fairs to celebrate our incredible progress.
Yet, our stagnation in building this world is not technological or immediately political — it's cultural. To live in this world, we must first create a culture that believes our future is worth fighting for and that progress is worth pursuing. We must tell stories about the future that empower us — stories of a world that we're excited to live in and are inspired to build.
This is why the World's Fair Co. exists. Our goal is to build not only the next great World's Fair, but also a cultural movement that inspires a hopeful future while supporting those who are building it.
In this inaugural annual letter, I want to highlight the foundation we've built over the last year, chart a course for where we're going next, and extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your support along the way. It's an honor to be on this journey alongside you, and I look forward to seeing you again this coming year.
Until then, I want to reiterate one simple idea: It's up to all of us, on an individual and collective basis, to step up and take responsibility for building the future we want to live in. We're capable of so much more than we think, and it's time to remind ourselves of that.
Onwards and upwards,
Cameron Wiese